Jawline Treatment – A Patient’s Journey

Jawline Treatment – A Patient’s Journey

As a 46 year old, we naturally tend to grasp with some insecurities about our age and bodies – one should not have to feel bad about it. Personally, I have never struggled with self-esteem but it came as a surprise to me as my girlfriends were all addressing similar facial areas of concern. 

So how did a low maintenance mother of three kids decide to begin her journey transforming her overall happiness through the simplicity of dermal filler treatment?

To be honest, I woke up looking in the mirror and I could see my protruded double chin from a side profile. There was a noticeable look in my face in general as I saw my skin seemed dull and non-vibrant. I thought a good diet and exercise could improve the look but no matter how many personal training classes I attempted, the double chin was always my downfall. Anyways, my family friend has been receiving some work done since she was in her late 30’s and it was only a matter of time when she convinced me the advantages of receiving a jawline treatment.  We are not talking about ‘under the knife’ procedures, but rather a fast and effective injectable treatment. It was a few months ago when I was nervous coming in for a free consultation, but thankfully my friend encouraged me to go to M1 Med Beauty Australia. 

What was important to me?

I believe coming into the appointment I was hoping to reduce the sagginess from my skin in the jawline area. I really wanted to have a defined jawline and look somewhat youthful. Those were my goals of receiving this treatment. Furthermore, I heard positive results of this procedure itself as it restores definition and gives shape to the prominent facial area.

How effective was the treatment?

For first-timers of dermal filler treatment, you may be thinking is it worth paying for one treatment and will I see the results? The answer is yes! From my experience, the treatment took place for only a few minutes. There were fine needles inserted to the targeted area and it was a quick and painless process. When I looked at the mirror I was mind blown. I could see the double chin was five times less noticeable and my face shape just seemed more proportionate and toned in a strange way. I thought to myself “I could get used to this every day!” 

Do I recommend jaw filler enhancements to my friends and family?

I struggled with this area of my face for a long time and finally there is something that truly speaks for itself. It has been four months since I received my first jawline enhancement and I believe the results will last for another few months. The best part of this is for the first time in my adulthood, I have regained a bit of confidence and it was as simple as taking that small step of faith in the cosmetic doctors. They really provide the best product here at M1 Med Beauty Australia and they have priced their services at an affordable pricing, so it appeals to busy mothers such as myself. 

Book your free consultation at M1 Med Beauty